The Erebus Cross Constellation as seen over mainland Vodacce.
The Erebus Cross is a constellation in Théah’s sky. (Like Orion on Earth, it remains visible year-round.) It is always pointing towards the horizon no matter what time of year. Because of that, it serves as an invaluable navigational tool. Every sailor can find the Erebus Cross in the sky, and can determine their rough position by comparing its position in the sky with the current time of year.
The constellation is shaped like the staff carried by Erebus, the Lord of the Underworld in the Old Empire’s mythology. He stood at the crossroads between the living and the dead, awaiting each new soul as it passed from this world. When they met him, he would ask them a riddle, which they must answer correctly in order to advance to paradise. Those who didn’t were consigned to eternal torment in the underworld, forced to relive the sins they committed in life. The riddle varies with each soul, depending upon how righteous or wicked they were in life (a beatific soul, for example, would get a very easy riddle, while a convicted mass murderer would get a brainburner). The riddle gave hope to everyone, for even the vilest wretch could still get into paradise with enough brains and intuition.
The largest star in the constellation is also the closest to the horizon. This star is know as the Prophet's Star and lies due north. Navigators use the Prophet's Star to determine which direction is north.