May 21, 2008

Pfeil und Kugel Brigade von Steinhelm

Bolt and Shot Brigade of Steinhelm
Pfeil und Kugel Brigade von Steinhelm

Pfeil und Kugel Brigade von Steinhelm. A Cavalry Crossbow and Artillery mercenary group out of Heilgrund 's Königreichen.



Originally called the Pfeil Brigade and were only a Mounted Crossbow group. But with the advent of Artillery, the group branched out to include and support Artillery Units and changed its name to reflect that change.
Original Shield / New Shield

General Lance von Volhard
Captain Waltraut von Reichmann (Captain of the Crossbowman)
Captain Arthur Erich von Haas (Captain of the Artillery Units)

6,500 Men
100 Cannons

15 men per cannon
8 Horses per cannon
50 Crossbowmen per Cannon

5 Cannons per Unit
20 Cannon Unit

(Those Units separate from the Artillery Units)
15,000 Crossbowmen

50 Crossbow men per unit
300 Units


21,500 Men
20,800 Horses

Current News:
No new commissions to report. Currently in negotiations with the Commanding General of the Castillian front.

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