December 14, 2007

Character Creation

For the most part Character Creation is the same, there are a few changes. Hero's start off with 100 Hero Points (HP) as outlined in the Players Handbook. Changes are described below.

Sorcery is a little cheaper. 30 points for Full or Twice Blooded. 15 for Half Blooded. Also Characters can buy up Sorcery Knack as Advanced Knacks. As normal, you may not buy up a Knack higher then 3.

Swordsman's School
The price is the same, 25 for School of your nationality or 35 for a School not of your nationality. In addition to the Schools knacks being at Rank 1 you get 3 Bonus Knacks you may used to increase your school knacks. Again you may not increase a Knack higher then 3.

Mostly unchanged, although if you wish, you may have both a Virtue and Hubris.


This is where things really change. First all skills civil and Martial skills now cost 3 HP (University and Academy Advantages still work the same). Next pick a Non-weapon skill that defines your character. "My character is a; Spy, Courtier, Sailor, etc." It does not have to be Civil Skill it can be a Martial Skill like Athlete, Commander, etc. It cannot be a weapon skill like Fencing, Knife, Pugilism, etc. If it has Attack and/or Parry as a Knack it cannot be used.

"My character is a (Insert Skill)" This is your Primary Skill (costs 3 points) but you get all Basic Knacks at Rank 3. Plus you get 2 Advanced Knacks at Rank 2. If the skill has less then 4 Knacks, then you may get another Advanced Knack at Rank 2 for every Knack less then 4.
Example: Spy Skill has Stealth and Shadowing as Basic Knack. You get them at Rank 3. Then you can pick 2 Adv. Knack, say Conceal, and Disguise. You get them at Rank 2. But since Spy only has 2 Basic Knack, you get 2 more Adv. Knack at Rank 2. So you pick Sincerity and Poison.

Next pick a Secondary Non-Weapon Skill. Same rules apply for Primary. It too costs 3 HP. This represents another thing you are really good at, just not as good as your Primary Skill. You get all Basic Knacks at Rank 2. For Every Knack less then 4 you may add a Advanced Knack and get it at Rank 1.

Certain Skills special rules for them if selected as your Primary Skill. These Skills are; Artist, Merchant, Guide, & Hunter. There may be more, but these are the ones I can think of at the moment.

Artist: Pick 1 Basic Knack, you get it at Rank 3. You may pick up to 2 more Basic knack and get them at Rank 3 as well. Any other Knack will have to purchased as normal. In addition you receive the Patron Advantage (4 points maybe sent for this. +2 for every Addition Basic Knack you DID NOT get.)

Merchant: Similar to Artist Skill. You get 1 Basic Knack at Rank 3. +2 addition Knacks. Basic Knacks at Rank 3, Advanced Knack at Rank 2. In addition you receive the Merchant Guild Membership Advantage. You may purchase other Knacks as normal.

Hunter: Pick any 3 Basic Knack. You get them at Rank 3. +3 addition Knacks. Basic Knacks at Rank 3, Advanced Knack at Rank 2. You may purchase other Knacks as normal.

Guide: Similar to Hunter. Street Navigation plus any other 2 Basic Knack. You get them at Rank 3. +3 addition Knacks. Basic Knacks at Rank 3, Advanced Knack at Rank 2. You may purchase other Knacks as normal.

Instead of purchasing Backgrounds with HPs, I will reward you with HP if you take one or more. This is to encourage players to take backgrounds so I may torture you, tailor stories around your character. As normal you may not start the game with more then 4 points worth of Backgrounds.

For every 1 Point Background, you receive +2 HP
For every 2 Point Background, you receive +5 HP
For every 3 Point Background, you receive +8 HP
For a 4 Point Background, you receive +11 HP (Must have the Foul Weather Jack Advantage)


Dan said...

Does the non-weapons skill(career Skill) cost anything or are they free?

Skald Saga said...

All skills costs 3 HP. It doesn't matter if it's your primary, secondary or any skill purchased there after.