July 3, 2010

Ship Battles Rules (Option)

Ships have traits like heroes and villains. Ships traits are Brawn (Guns), Finesse (Crew), Wits (Maneuver), Resolve (Hull), and Panache (Sails). Ships combat is very similar to combat between heroes and villains. Each one of the stats also have a corresponding ship position that is in charge of actions for each trait. Master Gunner for Brawn. Bosun or Captain for Finesse. Helmsman for Wits. Carpenter for Resolve. Master of the Tops for Sails.

Ships Roles
  • Bosun: Finesse and Crew. Gives orders, decides what actions the crew is to performed. Initiates boarding actions.
  • Master Gunner: Brawn and Guns. Rolls Attacks and damage given rolls.
  • Helmsman: Wits and Maneuver. Maneuver ship, Ram opposing ship.
  • Carpenter: Resolve and Hull. Repairs, rolls damage received rolls, and assign critical hits.
  • Master of the Tops: Panache and Sails. Rolls Initiative and Movement. Run, Escape and Pursue.

Start of the Encounter
At the start of Combat each ship states it's intention. Ships basically have two intentions, engage and run. If both ships decide to engage, skip to combat round (See start of combat.). If both ships decide to run, both ships escape without combat. If one ship states engage and the other states run, then perform chase actions. During the chase, additional actions maybe performed. Actions and raised are called before dice are rolled.

Chase Actions
Both ship's Master of the Tops the roll Ships Panache + Master of the Top's Rigging Knack, keep ships Panache vs. TN of Opposing ship's Wits x 5. (Ships with Silk sails, Wide Rudder, or Well trained crew receive a free raise. Only one free raise maybe used in this way. Ships with poorly trained crew, small rudder, or tattered sails must call one additional raise. Only one raised must be call.) Ships Raises maybe called for additional successes.

Fleeing ship actions
  • Run like smoke and oakum: Full run. All successes are used to escape.
  • Gun and Run: If ship has stern chasers, successes maybe divided up into gunning damage (keep 1). A number of raises equal to ships brawn maybe used. If a ship has a brawn of 3, then the fleeing ship may use maximum number of 3 raises for damaging the chasing ship. (3k1)
  • Strike the colors: End pursuit and surrender/parlay to chasing ship.
Chasing Actions
  • Full Chase: All successes are used to catch fleeing ship.
  • Gun and Run: If ship has stern chasers, successes maybe divided up into gunning damage (keep 1). A number of raises equal to ships brawn maybe used. If a ship has a brawn of 3, then the fleeing ship may use maximum number of 3 raises for damaging the chasing ship. (3k1)
  • End pursuit: Call off the chase, let fleeing ship escape.
Ending the Chase
The ship which gets a number of successes equal to the opposite ship's Panache wins. If fleeing ship wins, it escapes. If chasing ship wins, combat begins.

Start of Combat
Before ships roll Panache (Actions for Combat) like in 7th Sea combat. Both ships performs a free movement action. Both ships roll Ship's Panache + Master of the Top's Rigging vs. 15±Weather Conditions. Raises maybe called for additional temporary drama dice that can be used during combat. Ships that succeed roll get temporary drama dice equal to number of raises called. Ship with highest roll, gets a bonus temporary drama dice and is said to have the Weather gauge. If both ships have actions on the same phase, the ship with the weather gauge advantage goes first.

Start of the Round
Master of the Tops rolls ship's Panache (Actions). Master of the Tops hands action dice and temporary drama dice to Bosun or Captain.

There are 10 phases in ship combat like in regular combat. On a phase that the ship has an action, the bosun orders an action to be preformed. (Actions can be held to be used later.)

  • Firing Broadside: Master Gunner roll Ship's Finesse + Gunnery keep Finesse vs. opposing ships' Wits x 5. Master Gunner can call raises for additional unkept dice to damage. If successful the guns hit and roll damage. Roll and keep a number of dice equal to Brawn.
  • Raking Fire (Stern Rake or Bow Rake): Also know as crossing the T. Broadside attack against the bow or stern of the opposing ship. Roll Ship's Finesse + Master's Gunnery keep Finesse vs. opposing ship's Wits x 5 + 10, due to the fact that the attack is along the narrowside of the ship and thus making it harder to hit. If Attack is successful, roll damage as normal except if the opposing ships takes a critical hit, the first critical hit is scored against the Ships Helm and rudder (Wits) for Stern Rake. For Bow Rake, the first critical hit is scored against the Ship's Sails (Panache)
  • Returning Fire (Hold, Interrupt Action, or must be used as ships next action provided the opposing ship doesn't use another action): If a ship performs a raking fire, the opposing ship may respond with a Returning fire. Ship must have chaser guns, Bow chasers if Raking ship does a Bow Rake or Stern Chasers if the Raking ship does a Stern Rake. Returning fire ship's gunner rolls Ship's Finesse + Gunnery vs. opposing ship's Wits x 5. If successful the ship's gunner roll the ship's Brawn Keep half round down (minimum of keep one). This action does not cancel the opposing ship's Raking Fire.
  • Ramming Action: Helmsman rolls Ship's Wits + Pilot vs. opposing ship's Wits x 5. Both ships take damage with his action. A helmsman may call two raises to reduce one critical hit suffered to own ship. To determine the number of critical hits, add the ramming ship's Speed (Panache) and Ship's Hull (Resolve). Divide number by two and that is the number of critical hits each ship takes. Ramming ship rounds down for odd number of hits. Opposing ship rounds up.
  • Maneuvering Action: Action designed to give a ship an advantage during combat. Helmsman rolls Ship's Finesse + Pilot vs. opposing ship's Wits x 5. If successful the gains the weather gauge and a free raise to the ship's next action (provided the ship maintains the weather gauge). If ship calls an raises, ship gains a number of temporary drama dice equal to the number of raises called. Drama dice can be used at any time during combat provided ship maintains the weather gauge.
  • Close within Pistol Range: Maneuvering action designed to put the ships so close together the hulls nearly touch. Helmsman rolls Ship's Finesse + Pilot vs. opposing ships Wits x 5. If successful ships are in short range, all gunnery actions receive a +5 to rolls. Bosun can order Boarding actions.
  • Repair: When ship received hits from the opposing ship guns, the ship's carpenter rolls and keeps the ship's hull (Resolve). If the carpenter rolls equal to or higher the damaged received is superficial. The bosun can order the carpenter to repair the superficial hits. Carpenter rolls Ship's Finesse + Carpentry Knack vs. TN equal to the number of superficial hits taken. This reduces the number of superficial hits by half (rounded down) minus 5 for every 2 raises the carpenter call.
  • Break from Combat: Ship combat is not going the way you expected and it is time to run. Master of the Tops rolls Ship's Finesse + Rigging vs. opposing ship's Wits x 5 to speed away. If successful consult Chase actions. Raises maybe called to be used for successes in chase actions.
  • Boarding Action: Once ships are in short range, (yard arm to yard arm, or after a ship has rammed the other) Bosun can order a boarding action. Board party tries to swing over to the other ship or board planks are dropped and sailors try to run across to the other ship. Of course the opposing ship will try to repel boarders, making it an opposed roll. Bosun rolls Ship's Finesse + Leadership or Incitation vs. the opposing Bosun's Ship's Finesse + Leadership or Incitation. If boarding side wins, end ship combat and enter into normal combat or consult Boarding action chart in Pirates nation book. If the repelling side wins, then action fails. Bosun can use another action to order another boarding attempt.
  • Strike the colors: The Captain (or next in command, if Captain is incapacitated) may order the colors to be struck. By giving this order the the Captain is surrendering the fight.
Specialty Weapons
  • Grapeshot or Canister shot: Inflicts two fewer kept dice to damage, but if ship suffers a critical hit, the first hit goes to Crew (Finesse).
  • Chainshot or Barshot: Inflicts two fewer kept dice to damge, but if ship suffers a critical hit, the first hit goes to Sails (Panache).
  • Carronade: Carronades are short barreled cannons that fire heavy pound rounds. Designed for close range attacks. Ships armed with Carronades are only accurate at short range and inflict two fewer kept dice to damage, but if ship suffers a critical hit, the first hit goes to Hull (Resolve).
Damage: What happen when a ship's trait reaches zero.
When a ship receives a critical hit, one of its traits is reduced by 1 + 1 for every 10 the ship missed its hull check by. Carpenter decides which trait is reduced. This is what happens when a ships trait is reduced to zero, or below zero.

  • Brawn: If a ships brawn is reduced to zero the ships gun crew and guns have been disabled and can no longer fire. Ship can no longer fire any of its guns.
  • Finesse: Most of the crew is either dead or incapacitated. Ship can no longer operate and is flatting adrift.
  • Wits: Rudder and Helm have been shot away. Ship can no longer maneuver until rudder can be fixed. If a ship has oars, the ship's Wits are still zero, however the ship can still maneuver as if it has a Wits of 1. Dice do not explode.
  • Resolve: A ship does not start sinking until it receives a number of critical hits equal to twice its resolve. When this happens the ship starts sinking. Either consult the Sinking ship chart in the Pirates Nation book, or the ship sinks after 20 minus the ship's hull trait.
  • Panache: The ships masts and rigging have been shot away and cannot move. If a ship has oars the ship's Panache is still zero, however the ship can still maneuver as if it has a Panache of 1. Dice do not explode.

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