December 19, 2007

Drama Dice

Many games have a game mechanic that gives players a little more control over out come of actions or control over the story. Some games use Action Point, Style Points, Karma Dice, or Luck. 7th Sea is no different. It uses Drama Dice (DD). I know I've mention DD in previous posts but never addressed them. DD are used to give a little or big boost to the player. They start off each adventure with a specific number of DD and when they use there are gone. So you better use them wisely. There are ways to earn extra DD throughout an adventure. By doing really cool or stupid, or Heroic stuff. Or all at the same time. Or making it harder on themselves, usually by calling raises. Anything that makes the story more interesting.
While fight the Villain, the players says, "I want to pull the Barmaid I've talking up towards me, kiss her on the lips, then push back out of harms way. "The GM will say "Ok, but you'll have to call x# of Raises." Very swashbucklely, very cinematic, and if you don't get skewed like a shish-kebab, DD will come your way. Even if you fail, but fail with style, DD will come your way.

Now that we know what DD are. I have some questions for everyone, answer the polls on the left.

In the past we used Red Dice for Drama Dice. It doesn't matter to me what color we use, but I would like to a specific dice color represent Drama Dice. Since I'm about to place an order with Chessex, I figured I'd give you the opportunity to decide what color we use. Your choices are, Red, Teal, Green, Yellow, Orange, Blue, or Purple.
What color should the Drama Dice be? (Vote for 2)

Second question is more important because it will effect your character.
Normally You start off if the # of DD equal to your lowest trait. I like John's Rule, Highest Trait. So we going to go with that. But One problem I have with DD is that at the end of the Adventure DD get turned into XP. I don't like this rule because it cause people to horde DD. Drama Dice are meant to be spent so the second poll will address this.

At the end of an Adventure, What happens to Drama Dice? (Vote for 1)
A) Gets turned into XP as normal.
B) Does not get turned into XP and is lost.
C) Gets turned into XP at a 2:1 ratio (2 DD = 1 XP).
D) Does not get turned into XP but is Rolled over to next Adventure.
E) Something else.

Comments or Suggestions welcome

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