December 14, 2007

New Knack (Optional)

Not sure if I'll use this knack. I invented it after doing some playtesting for John Wick's Houses of the Blooded. And after a discussion was start one the AEG Forums.

Inflict Injury Knack
Anyone with who has an unsanctioned (or Sanctioned school that had Dirty fight as part of its curriculum) swords school my purchase this knack as part of their school. The knack casts 5 XP to start and is bought up as normal.

You call a Called shot to a location on the body. Use the Called shot table (*See below) to determine the number of raises needed. Roll Inflict Injury + Finesse, Keep Finesse If you hit, you do no damage but you (and maybe others fighting or just other swordsman) Gain the Exploit Weakness: Injured "insert body part" for that fight. It is considered a Rank 1 Knack. For every 2 raises you call beyond the raises for called shot you raise the rank of the Exploit Weakness +1.

Example: The Villain wants to Inflict an Injury to a PC's arm. So he calls a Called Shot to the arm. He rolls his Finesse + Inflict Injury with 2 raises, but he wants to inflict a Rank 2 Exploit Weakness you would have to call 2 additional raises. He would have to have to hit with 4 Raises. 2 for the Called Shot and 2 to cause Rank 2 Weakness. If he wanted to inflict a Rank 3 Weakness he would have to call 6 Raises (2 Raises for the Called Shot, and 4 Raises for thw Weakness).

If a rank 5 Weakness is delivered then that person has a permanent injury. (Permanent Rank 1 Exploit Weakness.) Anyone who knows of this weakness may exploit it.

*Called Shot
Arms/Legs = 2 Raises
Chest = 2 Raises
Face** = 4 Raises
Feet/Hands = 3 Raises

**Not eye, ear or nose, just face area. Although a face strike may hit one of these parts you just can't aim for it.

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